Thursday, May 20, 2010


The Fall Advantage kids started checking in today. Which means that I am getting closer to checking in also. It also reminded me about the stuff that I need to get done before I move. (like fill out my on-boarding paperwork. which makes no sense to me since I have been with the company for going on 5 years. and I hafta get a new social security card. ugh)

I just looked at my countdown and it says 101 days. Which really amuses me because if an attraction goes 101 at the world it is not a good thing. In fact it causes the guests to get upset. 101 is the code for a ride being down. So once I get past the 101 days I will be good. lol That also means that I am getting closer to 99 days which means the Double Digits and that puts me even closer to the single digits which by proxy puts me closer to being there. Yep I am a nerd. Oh well.

On to cooler news. This past weekend I graduated and got to go to Chicago with my best friend and husband. It was an awesome feeling to know that I could finally walk across that stage and get my cool as hell EMPTY diploma holder. I will get my diploma 60-90 days after I finish my graduation requirements. So sometime this fall since I have a summer class that I need to finish up. =) Chicago was awesome. There are pics on my facebook. Go look if ya want.

But on that note it is time for this girl to get some sleep. I have stuff that needs to get done tomorrow since it is my last free day for a few days.

After the interview
Ready for my work weekend with the mouse. Getting a much deserved drink after my interview for the college program.

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